Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mentally Ill Killer in the News and Yahoo Users' Responses

Reading comments on yahoo is an act of masochism on my part, yet it is the only way to gauge how the general public feels about issues.

Tonight I read a story about a guy with a lot of 5150's who murdered a random psychiatrist with a meat cleaver. The comments were basically either making a joke out of the situation ("ban knives"), to making seriously anti-constitutional threats against people with a mental illness ("hospitalize or euthanize"--one man's ignorant reply concerning not just this killer, but ALL people with mental illnesses).

Again, to reiterate, killing bad. Peace good. That being said, I am a schizo-affective person who has heard voices. Don't worry---peace good, I  have no intention of committing felonies or running around naked.

It infuriates me that death threats are allowed, that discrimination and active persecution is tolerated in our society. Give the killer the injection. Next, hunt down these yahoo haters and charge them with terrorist threats against a group of people---the mentally disabled. Last time I checked, the average job of a mentally ill person was---wait---no one will hire them because employers tend to violate the constitution and actively discriminate against the mentally ill. So, in general, if you are really mentally ill, you'll either be one of two things: homeless or living with family but unemployed OR functional, employed, and keeping your illness a secret from everyone who is supposed to treat you equally. Why? Why would we keep secrets? Because society harbors ugly, ignorant, hateful, anti-constitutional, wannabe-vigilantes who tend to encourage ancient treatments not found since the Middle Ages when leeching, hanging, and brain-drilling were the norm.

I am so infuriated right now. If these yahoo users made the same statements about African-Americans that they do with the mentally ill, they'd all look like racist monsters. The same statement against a bipolar/schizophrenic group is A-OK in this country. Just because ONE freak kills someone doesn't mean that all 10,000 schizophrenics are going to go on killing sprees as well. 1% of the population is schizophrenic and most of us don't have so much as a speeding ticket, let alone felonies.

You confuse us with the other kind of disorder---the guy with sociopathic personality disorder.  

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