Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Fresh Start in a New House

After being unceremoniously relocated to another house by our ex-landlord, I am now residing across town. Ex-Landlord wanted to sell the house my family and I were living in so I have spent the last few weeks transporting cargo to our new home.

Right now my old room looks like a tornado hit a stack of books and sent them flying all over a bare room. I still go to the old house to feed the cat, which we have to relocate over the weekend to our new house.

Standing over the literary debris of my old room makes me wonder just how much stuff I actually require for survival. Do I really need a USB powered musical keyboard? Do I really need the old orange folding table? I have a gnawing sensation that I do not need this things; that it is just my consumer mentality that keeps me clicking away on, but for now I will just tow the keyboard and folding table across town and ask philosophical questions at a later time.

Right now, I have a new bedroom, a new house, a new neighborhood, and a new semester in the graduate program that is just beginning.

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