Thursday, May 17, 2012

Finals Week on Campus or why I'm Glad I'm on anti-anxiety meds

It's that dreaded time. Students crowd and push inside the campus library, searching for a seat to hunch over their textbooks and cram. They all sit like sardines in a can, sipping on coffee, leafing through notes, and praying to the higher power that their professors will go easy on them.

I am one of them. Luckily, I am on anti-anxiety medication, which makes this time slightly more tolerable. I take anti-anxiety pills for my schizo-affective disorder and the residual stress it causes, but it does come in handy during finals week.

Study Group always cracks me up. It is the soothing ritual of the student. The cult of studiousness. "Join us for Study Group," says the student with the dazed, overwhelmed look in her eyes and a monotone voice. I imagine them all sitting around tables, pounding out answers to study guides and chanting little mantras of "We're gonna pass, we're gonna pass, we're gonna ace this final!" They remind me of academic cult members. They come to bring you into the fold of Study Group from 2 pm to midnight. They read the ancient script of a long-dead academic doctorate. Then suddenly, in the middle of question 9, they suddenly become very lost in the topic of the new Bourne Identity movie coming out in the summer. Then back to question 9.

I will miss this. This is my last month of college as an undergraduate. I have a couple of summer classes but once they end at the start of June, I am free. Free until August when I will (hopefully) be fully admitted to the graduate program.

So far, things are going according to my master plan. I got a high B on a term paper for a tough class that half a dozen students are failing (and those are just the ones who told me about their F's). I am a little concerned about my Chinese language class. I need a B for my linguistics major, but I might have lost my high B grade after a horrible exam score. Other than that, I'm doing well.

Anyways, just an update. Thanks for reading! Wish me luck! My last final is in one hour! I should've been writing study guide questions but I wrote this instead! ;) winky face.

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