Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why the State Pays For Part of My Education

I mentioned in previous posts that the Department of Rehabilitation covers the tuition of my public University which is not paid for through my Pell Grants, University Grants, and scholarships. It has occurred to me that some might think this is not fair. In a way, it is not. Education should be accessible to everybody. However, more people being barred from higher education does not make things more equal. More people being admitted and funded through their higher education makes things more equal. 

Still, you might wonder why my textbooks are paid for and yours are not. I have thus made this formula. Apologies, I am not a math major.
                                                      COLLEGE= [$$ of X]
                                                      .0725[$$ of X]=PRFT
where $ is equal to total cost, DISB is equal to disability benefits, COLLEGE is equal to college expenses, X is equal to the Person receiving services, .0725 is equal to the total state tax on all purchases, and PRFT is equal to total amount of profit.

Or here it is, but in words:

Annual cost of paying out disability plus health benefits to a mentally disabled person == a LOT $$$$

Annual cost of paying for tuition at a public University === NOT AS MUCH! $

Annual State profit from said mentally disabled person getting a steady job and paying taxes== $$$$ :)

Thus, the Department what tuition and textbook costs are not covered by the various grants and scholarships I receive is paid for by the Department. I stay in college, get my BA this summer, get a job, pay taxes, and serve the community. The alternative is that I drain the State's disability resources, drain the limited health care services I have, go off my meds, go totally berserk, wind up in a psych ward, sap the joy out of the mental health care workers' lives with my tales of secret assassins posing as fellow mental patients, get out, and contribute nothing to society.

Here are things I abide by in order to continue with services:
I take the courses that lead to a degree in an accredited field.
I pass all my courses without having to repeat any courses.
I adhere to all the laws of the federal government (even if this means I can no longer smoke my happy grass).
I agree to all the laws of the State, and also of the State University (i.e. no cheating).
I do not stop treatment for my condition of schizo-affective disorder.

Anyways, just wanted to stop by and tell you kind folks out there that your tax payer money is not going to waste. I am working my ass off in college. Soon, I will be employed and paying for freeway renovations and even paying a dime or so out of each paycheck to get somebody else like me through college. :)

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