Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Link to Article on Mental Illness and Violence


Above is a link to an article I just read. It debates whether people with schizophrenia are more violent than others. I feel that it is a balanced article. I have, however, read contrary evidence that suggests there is no link between schizophrenia and violence. Despite this, the author points out a vital insight: why do people in other countries who have schizophrenia never commit the crimes that our schizophrenics do? Indeed, schizophrenics in other countries have a much better life-time outcome than American schizophrenics. Why? I believe that it is due to stigma and discrimination against the schizophrenics that is a uniquely American phenomenon. If you persecute any group they are more likely to become angry and volatile. It is undeniable that in American society, schizophrenics are viewed and treated as unpredictable, malignant genetic freaks that need to be removed from the general population. Imagine how that must feel to be told you can never have a job, a family, a normal life, happiness in general; imagine that plus the added burden of being treated like a criminal without even having committed a crime!

It is hard knowing that I am hated without cause. It is hard knowing that I am persecuted (and no, that is not a delusion I hold, I really AM persecuted due to my illness). It is hard knowing that I will never be trusted, respected, or loved as I am; genetic abnormality and all. I would not commit a crime, and this is not a justification for those who commit crimes, but it is something to think about the next time you see a schizophrenic walking in the street and talking to himself.

It is difficult in times of crisis to think clearly about problems. Emotions and the need for vengeance get in the way. Yet, in these times, we must still adhere to the U.S. constitution. I do. I do not discriminate due to race, religion, age, class, sexual orientation, gender, or mental/physical disability. I sincerely hope you will follow the teaching of the constitution as well.

Thank you for reading.

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