Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Future as Bright and Promising

Well, I improved my grade in that graduate class that I had gotten a C on the first exam. From a mediocre, failing C to a perfect score on my second exam! Now my grade is an 85%, up 15%. I got a perfect score! I am still proud of this. My future in the graduate program seems to be promising.

Also, I inquired to my Department of Rehabilitation counselor, my out-patient service providers, and my therapist, if a 5150 or a 5250 appears on a background check. They all said no, it is part of my confidential medical records. I was so scared before, thinking that my chances of employment were marginal, at best. Thank goodness for that one medical legislative measure that ensured our privacy! God bless the USA!!

The only thing I cannot do is serve in a position that requires a firearm. I accept this. I do not want a firearm anyways, those things are dangerous. I do not mind not being allowed to work for the police department, that is alright.

I am so grateful that I can be a teacher! I will take my medicine as prescribed, no missing, and I will monitor my mild symptoms. I vow to keep up with my regiment. :)

I am very happy. Only criminal charges show up on background checks, and I have no criminal record whatsoever. I do not even have a single speeding ticket on my driving record, and I worked as a delivery driver for around 3 years.

I now have a car I bought used. I spent hundreds of loan dollars fixing it up, but it runs reliably and more importantly, it is a Kia that is good on gas.


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