Saturday, October 6, 2012

Trolls on youtube comment boards suck

So, I was watching a youtube video today. joseph150ish, whoever you are, you are truly a cruel person. This joseph150ish trolled an HBO documentary on the stigma that obese people face and wrote that they should go ahead and kill themselves because they are "useless wastes, oxygen thieves." joseph150ish is likely a sociopath. A sociopath is a person who feels no empathy for anybody. Or maybe somewhere down the line he got punched in the face by a fat person and felt the need to instruct every fat person to commit hara kiri.

Either way, I still recommend the video. Here's the link, please don't write hate speech. I really feel that free speech is not ordering a person to commit suicide. Having actually lost someone to suicide, I find his comment more than offensive, I find it to be akin to yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.

Graduate school is alright, I am preparing to do a Powerpoint presentation later this month. I like to relax my walking, listening to music, and/or surfing the net. However, people like joseph150ish make it a very ugly world and someone should really report him for harassment, or just 5150 the f$%^&. But no, he would give 5150's a bad name.

Thanks for reading! 

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