Monday, April 15, 2013

Tragedy in Boston

I have been watching NBC's live coverage since around 2 pm, Pacific time. I am also watching the stream of news feed posts on yahoo news.

I had been working in the University's library typing up a powerpoint for my graduate class. I finished up, drove home, and stopped by my grandmother's room to say hello to her and my uncle.
"Hi," I said and walked to my room. My uncle followed me. "They bombed the Boston Marathon," he said.
"Someone blew up the marathon," he said. I thought maybe he was exaggerating.
"Is it on the news right now?"
I went back to my grandmother's room and on the TV were scenes of smoky sky, scattered debris, and people in yellow running everywhere.

I watched the same grim tape as it played over and over again: a giant plume of smoke, a runner crumpling to the ground, other runners scattering.

My first thought was terrorism. I didn't want to say it out loud.

For the last hour I've been glued to my television and computer screen. Reports are conflicting. 2 explosions, a 3rd device set off by authorities. Confusion over whether a fire at the JFK library was related (current news stream says it was not related). Boston temporarily shut down cell phone service, google set up a special person locator, and endless replays of the finish line explosion. Later, the cell phone service went back up, over 64  (reports say over 100) injured, at least 2 killed.

I'm shaky, I haven't eaten at all today. I am stuck to the computer monitor and the television screen. This reminds me of this movie I watched through amazon dot com. It is called "Four Lions." It is a British movie mocking the stupidity of terrorists. The movie follows a group of conspiring homegrown terrorists who plot to bomb the country. I am not making this up, I swear----in the movie "Four Lions" directed by Chris Morris, the movie ends with the homegrown terrorists dressing in costumes and infiltrating a marathon to kill people. I am not joking, I am not making this up, please google this movie yourself. Four Lions, directed by Chris Morris. In the movie, the terrorists all die by their own explosive devices.

In real life, we don't know who or why, one person or a group of people, homegrown or foreign---everything is uncertain. All we know is that 2 bombs went off without warning, a third was detonated in a controlled explosion, and 2 more bombs were found undetonated.

I am grieving with the rest of the country right now. This is all surreal---it's just like that freaking movie "Four Lions." That gives me the creeps. I am getting a headache. I have to call my mother. I wish you the best and I hope you and your loved ones are safe and warm.

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