Saturday, June 9, 2012

200 mg of Zoloft later....

Re-reading that last post makes me glad I no longer have to live a life of psychological turmoil. In case you haven't guessed, I saw my psychiatrist and she refilled my anti-depressant for me. I had no idea, but apparently I was going through a psychotropic withdrawal phase caused by going off meds cold turkey. My doctor said it is not good to go off abruptly because it can cause emotional symptoms in the patient that are similar to withdrawal symptoms.

Now, I feel very happy and I want to share that happiness with you. Puppies, kittens, tomatoes with goat cheese, these things make me feel happy and I hope they make you happy as well. Good movies, an inspiring essay or speech, dancing with nobody watching, getting to a checkpoint on call of duty, exchanging a nice greeting with a stranger, listening to a new song that totally rocks your body, finding a video on youtube that makes you laugh...these things are pleasant for me and I encourage people to try to find something pleasant every day, even if that means putting down your work or homework just for a minute to achieve this.

I have one assignment left for summer session. ONE assignment! Then, so long as I get a minimum of a C in both classes, I get my Bachelor's degree from an accredited State University! Then two months of being broke and bored....then back to class in the fall, this time as a Graduate Student (notice the capitalization there).

My shrink recommended keeping my mind active this summer because I have a fear that I will get very lazy and not be able to survive my first semester. So I have decided to re-read my mental health memoirs, read some Kurt Vonnegut books, and then blog about my favorite parts here on this blog. So stay tuned! More to come! I'm feeling good! Have a great day! Thanks for reading!

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