Friday, January 11, 2013

Moody No More-More Meds

Reading the last entry made me think about what my shrink once told me:

Don't let your fear and paranoia stop you from doing what you want to do. I want to play Killzone 2 darn it. Just not online.

I mentioned my unnerving fear of being sent viruses and trojans to my psychiatrist who kindly recommended upping my dosage of almost every medicine I take. I happily obliged. I don't like feeling nervous, agitated, and paranoid.

So here I am, day one into my new regime of medicines. I feel quite at peace! I am taking a higher dose of mood stabilizers and anti-anxiety medicine. My anti-psychotic dose stayed the same but I think that was only because I confessed to spending a week off the meds due to some unknown motivation on my part (something I DO NOT recommend). The result=paranoia, fear, sleeplessness, and once I started taking the med consistently again---total sleepiness. Seriously, I slept until 2 pm today.  I feel asleep from 8 to midnight, stayed up until 1 am (only one hour), then back to sleep until 8. At 8 I managed to make some coffee in my french press, but then I wandered off and fell asleep on the couch where I remained in some zombie sleep until the late afternoon.


I am watching the documentary on John Nash, "A Beautiful Genius." I really like it thus far. It focuses on Nash's time at the University. The film is well told and interesting.

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