Tuesday, January 15, 2013

NY Proposed Database of Mentally Ill

I do not approve of scapegoating the mentally ill for recent mass murders. If people want to terrorize millions of genuinely sick and innocent Americans by putting us all up on databases and recording our private thoughts (gee, who is being paranoid NOW?)--- while scrapping everyone's constitutional rights, do it knowing that you are violating the constitution and its amendments and that those of us who are sane will eventually sue your pants off.

Here is an article from Yahoo saying that New York is about to pass a law saying that all private thoughts (thoughts, not actions, without intent, without warrant) must be reported to Homeland and to the feds. How is that going to work?


ONE: Every mass murderer took the time to plan their attack, days, even months before they enacted their heinous atrocities. They obviously fooled everyone around them. A REALLY insane person would be incapable of plotting because they would be too disorganized and out of touch with reality to know what was happening. So, how insane were these organized, prepared, methodical killers really?
TWO: Plotting requires hiding their intentions. These violent predators are hellbent on hiding their intentions already, what chance do you think some doc has of correctly assessing the situation after the usual 5 to 10 minute psychiatric consultation? Seriously---five to ten minutes!
THREE: For every one actual, guilty person you catch, you will frame thousands of genuinely sick people who have no plan to commit harm, and send thousands more running away from care! If you tell a paranoid skitz that the government is going to record his thoughts and carry him off to an undisclosed location---don't expect to be seeing them around any government or health care professionals. I'm totally harmless and the thought of being Databased makes me sick to my stomach and I want to distance myself from all treatment centers! If you threaten us enough, we'll just start to leave the country. You can keep the community for yourselves, with all the gang violence, drug violence, domestic violence, murder-for-hires, serial killers, and random acts of violence. Those crimes are done by totally sane people, by the way.
FOUR: There are ALREADY laws in place to protect people from the rare criminally insane! First, 5150's get their guns rights taken away for years! If the psychiatrist is at the point where s/he would send their patient's name up the food chain, they ALREADY have the right to commit said person for up to 48 hours for assessment. After that, it's to a facility for 2 weeks, where said would-be threat can be committed and re-committed, for a very long time with a simple police code: 5250. I met a guy who was serving a 2 month sentence in a crappy psych ward for trying to escape.
FIVE: It takes only one unscrupulous therapist to ruin a person's life forever. I've had mental health techs write statements in my medical records I never said. If they "believe" you are a threat, they write that, even if you're saying "suicide" they might write down "homicide" just for fun, or to meet quotas, or for some other unknown motive. If you think this is an exaggeration, you are truly naive. A lot of the mental health technicians do not like or feel empathy for the mentally ill. In fact, most of them hate us because they are just like the rest of society---quick to stereotype, quick to condemn, quick to lie, and quick to sabotage. Who will act as the check and balance against the mental health professionals?

The real predators are the Hitlers and Stalins, not the guy at the street corner who talks to the trash can.

There's my little rant. Don't believe me, believe me, whatever. I already told one social worker if they start putting us on databases or sending C.I.!. assassins I am leaving the country and moving to Sweden. I like Sweden.

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