Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Article/Video on Social Skills & Mental Dysfunction

I was reading an article on the Wallstreet Journal's website concerning social skills and how waning social skills might indicate mental dysfunction. I think these insights should be used as pre-emptive diagnostics, long before the dementia, autism, or schizophrenia wreaks total havoc on a person's life.

I know first hand that social skills, or rather, lack thereof, are signals of neurological illness. For myself, a schizo-affective, I know when my mind is sinking into illness when I think every compliment is sarcasm, every comment is a subtle jab at my intelligence or appearance, and when I spend five minutes secretly trying to decipher a facial expression that a person had for a split second.

I hope you find the article interesting. I posted the link below. The link goes to the Wallstreet Journal's website where both the article and an accompanying video can be found.

To all the schizophrenic or bipolar readers, please read the article and know that you have a neurological disorder that is not your fault and that there are warning signs you have that can help you to stop a potential episode before it ever happens. I can vouch for this; I've stayed out of Hospital since 2009 or 2010, compared to the yearly or bi-annual forced hospitalizations that I  had from between the ages of 19-25. I can definitely say that I owe my freedom and well-being to my family, to the outpatient programs, and to the recovery model in mental illness treatment which focuses on monitoring oneself on a daily basis and reinforcing positive thoughts.

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