Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mental Illness in Other Countries Compared to Ours

So, if the media wants to say that the Santa Monica killer was just another example of mentally ill people going ballistic, then I pose a question to you:

If ALL nations have a minority of their populations who have a mental illness, why the hell is America the only one that has 90% of the shooting sprees?

The UK has a number of people with schizophrenia, as seen in R.D. Laing's movie, "Asylum," so why don't they have raging maniacs attacking random people with knives or fists? What about Russia? What about China? India?

The countries with the largest populations on the country have nowhere near the amount of mass murders that America does, but surely they have more mentally ill due to their populations (China, Russia, and India are geographically huge and very heavily populated).

So don't blame the organic brain disorder known as bipolar or schizophrenia or depression or autism. Because it is not. Lately, "independent" (read: bogus) media outlets have been pressuring people to turn up the heat on the mentally ill and blaming this on the "deinstitutionalization" of the mentally ill. Because internment camps filled with drugged prisoners is somehow more humane, just, or safe.

It's not humane. That should be a given. It's not 'just' because you'd be violating the constitutional rights of everybody. It's not safe. Why? Because if you honestly believe that the mentally ill exist as hare-triggers to explosive acts of violence, then surely you would also believe that rounding them all up and burying them in locked bunkers might trigger said explosive acts of violence. This apparently did not occur to the people leaving little comments on Yahoo such as "lock them all up," and 'it only takes one nut to kill a dozen people, take 'em all away'...and many more such similar comments.

Rule number one: think before you leap to conclusions. Try to think outside of our junk-food infested, serial-killer haven; this violence happy, trigger happy, free gun give-aways, rape scandal nation. It is not the organic brain disorder known as schizophrenia, bipolar, or depression that makes people kill, it is something else.

As for the previous entry about accepting a sort of omnipresent government, here is why I support this:

Because otherwise I will be surrounded by crazed, angry mobs who shit all over the constitution and want their guns AND the right to tear me limb from limb just because my brain chemistry is different from their brain chemistry. The ONE thing that stands between me and those crazed, violent mobs with second-amendment stickers and pitch forks is the federal government who WILL protect my life and my constitutional rights and will NOT bar me from existing just because I periodically hear voices when I refuse to take my medicine. That is why I love the Man. Sincerely, a Paranoid Schizophrenic with no history of violence or even of speeding tickets. :)

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