Friday, June 7, 2013

Blood Work Tests Come Back Normal---Minus My Mind

So, yes, as I candidly mentioned in a previous entry, I have had around 20 male bed partners. For a woman, that is a lot. For a man, that is like a couple months in Vegas.

Naturally, I get checked after a period of sexual activity. My lab results came in today. The good news: My blood work and urine tests came back normal with no indication of sexually transmitted diseases. The bad news: I'm still a nutcase. If only my mind was as healthy as my reproductive organs!! But no, at least insanity is not contagious (otherwise there would have been a pandemic in California ha ha ha).

So, lesson learned, stop sleeping around and getting tattooed or face nerve-wracking days spent waiting by the computer to see if the University health center input my results already. That being said, God, I am soooo horny!

I have had too much bed rest due to summer unemployment and no social life. I have written a couple of C computer programs since I will be taking it over next semester to get a better grade than my poor D plus. The only thing that makes me feel better is that 1) I had legitimate medical, psychological, and family issues which disrupted my study routine and 2) that teacher has a 70% FAIL rate. Not PASS rate, mind you, FAIL, as in out of 100, 70 students will FAIL. Sadly, I fell in that zone. During the final, at least 4 students walked up and handed in the test form completely blank (we have to write out our programs by hand, which is an archaic method of programming if you ask me, but whatever). They were quitting because the teacher is not a good teacher, they fell behind, and they couldn't bs the final exam for 2 hours or even (in some cases) 10 minutes. Thus, they turned in blank answers, shrugged their shoulders when the teacher asked them why they weren't going to try, and then made a beeline for the door. I did try, though I didn't finish the exam because I ran out of time. I scored with a D, which is pathetic, but whatever. I have to remember that this class requires double the time I spend on my graduate level classes just to keep up. Will get A or B this Fall when I take it over again. That is my VOW.

Aside from practicing the basic arrays and for loops in C,  have had nothing to do. I sleep. I read books about former models and former anorexics. It's like book porn for dieters. I am so ashamed that I read "Hungry" and "Wasted" just to surround myself with shining examples of how not to eat, then eat, then crash and burn. It is a perversion; this compulsion to read about people's serious illness just to stave off hunger pangs for another 4 hours. I ate 200 calories up until 5 pm, most of it in dairy creamer which I poured liberally into my coffee.

Oh, hooray! I guy I like is messaging me. I go now.

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