Sunday, June 9, 2013

Comment on Alleged "Mentally Ill" Shooter

I have to do this every time some sociopath gets mistaken for a schizophrenic. Every damn time.

Here is a check list for schizophrenia:

Hears voices/auditory hallucinations for a period of time
Sees visions/visual hallucinations for a period of time
May have beliefs of one of the following: aliens, UFO's, persecution by the federal government
May believe him/herself to be a prophet
Likely to be disorganized in thought and speech. Will speak in neologisms (made up words), clanging (nonsense rhymes), or word salads (random strings of words).
May not bathe, eat, sleep, drink, speak for a period of time
Extremely likely to feel paranoia mixed with fear, may believe him/herself to be politically oppressed.
If manic, patient will likely not sleep for days on end.
May speak out loud to imaginary voices.

So. There. The claims of this anonymous police source said "history of mental illness and hospitalization"---> due to THREATS TO HURT OTHERS. THAT is NOT mental illness, that is hatred, anger management, sociopathic behavior, and manipulation. Why the hell was he put in a mental hospital and not in jail?! It is a felony to yell 'fire' in a crowded theater, but to threaten to kill people is not a criminal offense but a "mental health issue"?!

Here is his check list:

Threatened to hurt others
Obsessed with spree killers and guns

Where, I ask, does it say voices, visions, paranoia, aliens, talking to imaginary voices, and insomnia??
It does not. This is bullshit propaganda trying to blame all mental patients for the acts of an angry, degenerate scumbag who never had the prototypical experiences of severe schizophrenia.

I really wonder if I am paranoid about my persecution beliefs, because it seems like this general public and the media love to handle all angry people as "the mentally ill." No, I hate to break it to you, but the worst men in all of history have been psychologically normal (i.e. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Dr. Goebbels, Dr. Mengele, Bin Laden, and so on). If you never accept a normal person as capable of evil acts you will never be able to stop them. Keep rounding up mental patients as scape-goats and you'll just have a bunch of lawsuits on your hands and future killers roaming around free and clear. Accept it. Normal people murder other every day. 

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