Monday, June 3, 2013

President Obama Holds Mental Health Conference

Below is a link to a conference held by President Obama discussing the need to end the stigmatization of mental illness.

It feels like a relief to see this in the headlines. Of course, this is necessary because recent random acts of violence have inspired hatred, distrust, and suspicion of the mentally ill. I see a lot of comments like this on yahoo "So what if it's 'just one'? All it takes is one nutcase to kill a bunch of innocent people, I say put them all away." --->not constitutional, or logical, or civil. This, however, is the current ignorant, pathetic and anti-constitutional belief held by a lot of Americans (or at least by people who comment on yahoo news articles). To them I say: traitor.

To the rest of you, I say: please watch the video attached to the link. It is a happy day when the struggle of the mentally ill is finally acknowledged.

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